Super Twitter Stats with


There’s a new service from the guys over at StumbleUpon that acts as a Twitter update client, a stat counter, a URL shorter and more all rolled into one. I’ve been using it for a couple days now, and it’s pretty cool. It’s still in private beta at the moment, but they post invite codes fairly often on their Twitter feed. It was developed with input from Tim Ferris of “The Four Hour Work Week” fame and it promises to take care of many of the issues that come with promoting your blog on Twitter. According to StumbleUpon, it is a…

…brand new short url service designed to drive more traffic to your site. provides real time analytics for all of your generated links as well as the ability to post your links to other social media services such as twitter and facebook.

Not only does it count how many clicks you recieve from Twitter, but also from StumbleUpon itself, which is handy. It keeps track of when you posted and how many clicks you recieved, so over time it can suggest when the most profitable time to tweet would be. What? You’ll be away from your computer at the most profitable tweeting time? No problem. Just schedule your tweet for later. Here’s a screenshot.


On the URL shortening side, the best features are still in the pipeline. The plan is to allow blog owners to use their own domain name rather than domain in the shortened URLs. They’re also going to allow site owners specify if they want a 301 redirect for SEO purposes.

All sorts of interesting things are happening with this application at the moment, so you might want to check it out.

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