
How to Filter Canonical URLs in WordPress

September 5, 2020

The canonical URL can be modified programmatically in WordPress using the get_canonical_url filter hook. Recently I was working on a site that needed custom canonical URLs on specific search result pages. I went looking for the documentation on filtering the canonical URLs, but while the existence of the filter is documented, I could not find […]

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Styling links based on partial URLs with CSS

June 12, 2020

Sometimes you just want to style all the links pointing to a certain site, or containing a certain string in the URL. For example, styling all links to Wikipedia to stand out from regular links or hiding all links that include “registration” in the URL. It’s just a matter of using: href*= in the CSS […]

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Setting a Custom Post Type Archive as the Home Page

June 11, 2020

It took me quite a bit of research to figure out how to modify the home page query to use a custom post type archive. Here’s what it takes… 1. Set the home page to display a static page On the Settings > Reading page, make sure the “Your homepage displays” option is set to […]

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Preventing Widows with Vanilla Javascript

September 2, 2019

What is a Widow? When referring to text on a website, a “widow” refers to the final word of a heading or paragraph that wraps to its own line. Like this: To prevent this from happening, we can use the HTML entity for non-breaking spaces between the last two words: A non-breaking space prevents the […]

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Overcoming the “Cross-Origin Request Blocked” error in PHP

June 12, 2019

I was making an AJAX call and was getting a “Cross-Origin Request Blocked” error. It wasn’t clear where this error was originating, so I did a little research and here’s what I came up with. When the server determines that the script making the AJAX request is on a different domain, depending on the server […]

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Resize Google reCAPTCHA with CSS

April 12, 2019

Google’s reCAPTCHA can easily overflow it’s parent at small screen sizes. Let’s fix that. Since the reCAPTCHA sits inside an iframe, we can’t target its individual elements with CSS. We can limit the iframe’s width, but that simply hides any part of the iframe that doesn’t fit within our new width. The code below reduces […]

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jQuery Code Wrapper for WordPress

March 18, 2019

When WordPress loads jQuery, it doesn’t provide access to the $ function. Since I’m typically wrapping my code in a .ready() function, here’s the code to get access to the $ function at the same time: This code is posted all over the internet, but it always takes me some time to find it each […]

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Linux Command Line: Find Files with Matching String

November 30, 2016

I know this is documented in various places around the web, but I’m tired of hunting it down whenever I need it. Often when working with websites and code, I need to locate any files that contain a particular string. This command searches a folder recursively and prints out the filename of any files that […]

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